Feel properly shy and shy sincerely. The basic principle is that a woman should remain at home, and not go out except for any genuine need as Allah says: “And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance” (33:33) Although this is addressed to the wives of the Prophet (Pbuh), it also applies to the believing women. It is only addressed to the wives of the Prophet (pbuh) because of their honour and status with the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) and because they are examples for the believing women. The Prophet (Pbuh) said: “Woman is ‘awrah, and if she goes out, the shaytaan raises his hopes (of misguiding her). She is never closer to Allah than when she stays in her house.” (Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan and Ibn Khuzaymah; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Shaheehah, no. 2688) And he (Pbuh) said concerning a woman’s prayer in the mosque: “Their houses are better for them.” (Abu Dawood 567) ...